Fee payable from 1 April 2024:
Dative petition - £20
Receiving and examining inventory, value of estate not exceeding:
- £50,000 - No fee
- £50,000.01 (up to £250,000) - £282
- Exceeding £250,000 - £565
Certificate (if ordered when lodging inventory) - £8
Certificate (if lodged subsequent to lodging inventory)
- (i) first certificate including search fee - £20
- (ii) each subsequent certificate - £8
Copy or duplicate confirmation
- If ordered when lodging inventory: £13
- If ordered subsequently (including search fee): £29
- Extra duplicate ordered at same time: £13
Certified extract confirmation and will (if any)
- If ordered when lodging inventory: £29
- If ordered subsequently (including search fee): £41
- Extra certified extract ordered at same time: £29
Copy will
- If ordered when lodging inventory: £8
- If ordered subsequently (including search fee): £20
- Extra copy will ordered at same time £8
Inventory in respect of death of emergency service personnel etc, death in active service or death of constables and service personnel targeted because of their status, where exempt from paying inheritance tax by virtue of sections 153A, 154 and 155A of the Inheritance Act 1984 - No fee (Fees for certificates, copies, etc. should be charged as normal).