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Sheriff Appeal Court (Civil) electronic intimation register

The following agencies and individuals are provided for the purpose of transacting motion business under Chapter 14 of the Sheriff Appeal Court Rules 2021.

Electronic intimation register email addresses

Name of firm/party Email
A and W M Urquhart motions@urquharts.co.uk
Aberdeenshire Council a&rinterlocutors@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Aberdein Considine motions@acandco.com
ACH Shoosmiths edinburghcourt@shoosmiths.co.uk
Addleshaw Goddard LLP motions@addleshawgoddard.com
A J Gordon & Co al@algordonlawyers.co.uk
Alan Meechan Solicitors ameechansolicitors@outlook.com
Alexander Moffat & Co admoffat.t21@btinternet.com
Allan Black & McCaskie im@abmsols.co.uk
Allan McDougall spicmotions@allanmcdougall.co.uk
Anderson Strathern motions@andersonstrathern.co.uk
Baker Hardman Solicitors motions@bakerhardman.co.uk
Balfour + Manson ph@balfour-manson.co.uk
Bannatyne Kirkwood France & Co angelamccracken@bkf.co.uk
Bannerman Burke Law Steven@bannermanburke.co.uk
Barnetts Solicitors lynn@barnettslaw.co.uk
Barton & Hendry info@bartonandhendry.co.uk
Basten Sneddon graham@bastensneddon.co.uk
BBM Solicitors SAC@bbmsolicitors.co.uk
BCKM nd@bckm.co.uk
Beltrami & Co Ltd info@beltramiandcompany.co.uk
Berlow Rahman Solicitors info@brlaw.uk
Blackadders sacmotions@blackadders.co.uk
Blacklocks court@blacklocks.co.uk
Blackwood Partners george.pennel@blackwood-partners.com
BLM courtrunner@blmlaw.com
Bonnar Accident Law info@bonnarandco.com
Brandon Malone & Company brandon@brandonmalone.com
Brodies sheriffcourtmotions@brodies.com
Brophy Carey & Co Ltd info@brophycareylaw.com
Bruce D MacDonald & Co bruce@brucemacdonald.co.uk
BTO motions@bto.co.uk
Buchanan Macleod, Solicitors kbuchanan@buchananmacleod.co.uk
The Building Law Practice anthony.wallace@buildinglawpractice.com
Burness Paull LLP motions@burnesspaull.com
Burnett & Reid RJONeill@burnett-reid.co.uk
Name of firm/party Email
C & D Mactaggart stephen@cdm-law.co.uk 
Caesar & Howie mfm@caesar-howie.co.uk
Campbell & McCartney dc@patrickcampbellsolicitors.co.uk
Campbell Smith court@camsmith.co.uk
Central Legal Office nss.clo@nhs.scot
Church of Scotland Law Department lawdept@cofscotland.org.uk 
Civil Legal Assistance Office (Aberdeen) aberdeen@clao.org.uk
Civil Legal Assistance Office (Edinburgh) edinburgh@clao.org.uk
Civil Legal Assistance Office
(Highlands & Islands and Argyll & Bute)
Civil Legal Assistance Office (Inverness) inverness@clao.org.uk
Civil Recovery Unit cash@civilrecoveryunit.gov.scot  
Clyde & Co motions@clydeco.com 
CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP motions@cms-cmno.com
Cockburn McGrane barbara@cockburnmcgrane.co.uk
Cochran Dickie jmc@cochrandickie.co.uk
Commercial Maintenance Services UK Limited Kim@cmsltd.uk.net
Comrie Law eva@comrielaw.co.uk
Conway Accident Law ronniec@conacclaw.com
Curle Stewart info@curlestewart.co.uk
Currie Gilmour & Co neilcampbell@curriegilmour.co.uk
DAC Beachcroft Scotland LLP motions@dacbeachcroft.com
Davidson Chalmers Stewart LLP court@dcslegal.com 
Dentons motions.mmsuk@dentons.com
Digby Brown PICTeam@digbybrown.co.uk 
DLA Piper resCourts.Scotland@dlapiper.com 
Donnachie Law paul.donnachie@donnachielaw.com
Drummond Miller motions@drummondmiller.co.uk
Dumfries and Galloway Council Motions@dumgal.gov.uk
Dundee North Law Centre reception@dundeenorthlawcentre.co.uk
Dunlop Allen & Co mail@dunlopallen.co.uk
DWF LLP ph@dwf.co.uk
E Thornton & Co info@ethornton.co.uk
East Ayrshire Council Litigation@east-ayrshire.gov.uk
Elizabeth Welsh Family Law Practice info@familylawpractice.co.uk
Ennova Law CourtMotions@ennova-law.com
Name of firm/party Email
Family Law Matters Scotland reception@flmscotland.co.uk
Ferguson Walker fergusonwalker@btconnect.com
Flanagan & Co mail@flanagansolicitors.com
Flexlaw Solicitors mark.harrison@flexlaw.co.uk 
Franceschi Family Law marika@franceschi.com
Fraser & Mulligan ggc@fraser-mulligan.co.uk
Friels markcarlin@frielssolicitors.co.uk
Friends Legal motions@friends-legal.co.uk
Gibson Kerr Solicitors fiona.rasmusen@gibsonkerr.co.uk
Gildeas Solicitors pimotions@gildeas.net 
Gillespie MacAndrew motions@gillespiemacandrew.co.uk
Gilmartin Finlay MacRae info@gfmlaw.co.uk
Gilson Gray court@gilsongray.co.uk ​ 
Glasgow City Council GCCmotions@glasgow.gov.uk
Gleeson McCafferty Law gleesonmccafferty@hotmail.co.uk
Gordon S Watson gswatsonlaw@gmail.com
Govan Law Centre m@govanlc.com
Graham Fordyce mail@gafordyce.com
Halliday Campbell WS lynn.mcmahon@hallidaycampbell.com 
Hann & Co info@hannandco.com
Harper Macleod motions@harpermacleod.co.uk
HBJ Claims Solutions e-motions@hbj-cs.com
Highland Council Matthew.Whillans@highland.gov.uk
Hill & Robb Ltd  sandrawilliamson@hillandrobb.co.uk
Hodge Solicitors admin@hodgesolicitors.co.uk
Hughes Dowdall enquiries@hughesdowdall.com
Hunter & Robertson office@hunter-robertson.co.uk
Hutchesons Solicitors emma@hutchesonlaw.co.uk
Inksters motions@inksters.com
Innes Johnston LLP malder@innesjohnston.co.uk
J K Cameron info@jkcameron.co.uk
Jackson Boyd LLP E-motions@jacksonboyd.co.uk
James & George Collie d.love@jgcollie.co.uk
James Guthrie & Company LLP alison@jamesguthrie.co.uk
Jain, Neil & Ruddy Solicitors info@jnrsolicitors.com 
Jardine Donaldson Mhairi.mccallum@jardinedonaldson.co.uk
Johnson Legal familylaw@johnsonlegal.co.uk
Jones Whyte Law info@joneswhyte.co.uk
Name of firm/party Email
Kennedys Scotland Scotland.Motions@kennedyslaw.com
Keoghs motions@keoghs.co.uk
Kerr Brown court@kerrbrown.co.uk
Kirk Hanlon Solicitors contact@kirkhanlon.com
Lanarkshire Accident Law info@lanaccidentlaw.co.uk
Latta & Co RoisinLalley@lattalaw.co.uk
Ledingham Chalmers motions@ledinghamchalmers.com
Lee Doyle, Solicitor admin@leedoylesolicitor.com
Lefevres motions@lefevres.law
Leonards lornaturner@leonardslaw.com
Levy and McRae SACmotions@lemac.co.uk  
Linda George Family Law info@lgfamilylaw.co.uk
Lindsays courtsession@lindsays.co.uk
Logans Solicitors mmcmillan@loganssolicitors.co.uk
LSA Brown & Co AlastairHouston@lsa.org.uk
Livingstone Brown reception@livbrown.co.uk 
Lyons Davidson motions@lyonsdavidson.co.uk
Macdonald Henderson michael@macdonaldhenderson.co.uk
MacFarlane Young Ltd cathy@macfarlaneyoung.com
MacHardy, Alexander & Whyte forfar@machardy.co.uk
McGeehan Williamson & Co tomwilliamson40@gmail.com
McGill & Co ihalliday@mcgillandco.co.uk
McGrade & Co info@mcgrade.co.uk 
McIntosh McCann lorna@mcintoshmccann.com
McKenzies enquiries@mckenzies-sols.co.uk
The McKinstry Company e-motions@mckinstry.co.uk
Malcolm & Hutchison Solicitors  info@malcolmandhutchison.co.uk
Marshall Wilson airdrie@marshallwilson.com
MBM Commercial LLP  motions@mbmcommercial.co.uk
MBS Solicitors bilaal@mbssolicitors.co.uk
McLauglin & Co info@mclco.co.uk
MDDUS motions@mddus.com
Mellicks Kenneth.lang@mellicks.co.uk
Melrose & Porteous kathryn.wilson@melroseporteous.co.uk
MHD Law LLP edinburgh@mhdlaw.co.uk
Millard Law enquiries@millardlaw.co.uk
Miller, Beckett & Jackson sacmotions@mbjsolicitors.co.uk
Miller Samuel Hill Brown appeals@mshblegal.com
Mitchells Roberton sacmotions@mitchells-roberton.co.uk
MML Law clairet@mmllaw.co.uk
Morgan Legal yvonnemorgan@morganlegal.uk.com
Morgans Solicitors Court2@morganlaw.co.uk
Morton Fraser MacRoberts LLP motions@mfmac.com
MTM Family Law cmm@mtmfamilylaw.co.uk
Munro Liddell admin@munroliddell.co.uk
Murnin McCluskey hbltl1946@gmail.com
Murray Beith Murray litigation@murraybeith.co.uk
Name of firm/party Email
Ness Gallagher Solicitors gk@nessgallagher.co.uk
Nisbets sacmotions@nisbetssolicitors.com
Nolans Solicitors snolan@nolanslaw.com
North Lanarkshire Council LitigationParalegalTeam@northlan.gov.uk
Notary Scot Solicitor & Notary Public Donaldwright@notary.scot
Nursing and Midwifery Council CPP.HCadmin@nmc-uk.org
Office of the Advocate General businesssupport@advocategeneral.gov.uk
Oracle Law Limited Jc@oraclelaw.com
Parabis Scotland Ltd parabisscotlandmotions@parabisscotland.co.uk 
PBW Law motions@pbwlaw.co.uk
Pinsent Masons SACmotions@pinsentmasons.com 
Raeside Chisholm Solicitors Limited court@raesidechisholm.co.uk
Reid Cooper Solicitors info@reidcooper.co.uk
Robert F Macdonald Solicitors kerr@robertfmacdonald.org.uk
Robertson Wyse Solicitors info@robertsonwyse.co.uk
Rollos LLP TonyAnderson@rollos.co.uk
RSC Solicitors csimpson@rscsolicitors.co.uk
Russel + Aitken (Alloa Office only) james.savage@russelaitken.cjsm.net 
Russel + Aitken (Edinburgh Office only) court@russelaitken.com
Russel + Aitken (Denny Office only) mail@radenny.co.uk
Russells Gibson McCaffrey info@russellsgm.co.uk
Rutherford Sheridan Ltd paul@rutherfordsheridan.com
Scottish Government Legal Directorate
(for the Lord Advocate)
Scottish Legal Aid Board motions@slab.org.uk
Scottish Social Services Council Fiona.Abbott@sssc.uk.com
Serenity Family Law michael@serenityfamilylaw.co.uk
Shelter Housing Law Service SHLS_Admin@shelter.org.uk
Shepherd & Wedderburn LLP motions@shepwedd.com
Shoosmiths edinburghcourt@shoosmiths.co.uk
Slater + Gordon Edinburgh.motions@slatergordon.co.uk
Smith & Grant siobhan@smithandgrant.com
Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland
(the Care Inspectorate)
South Ayrshire Council Karen.Briggs@south-ayrshire.gov.uk
Stirling & Mair info@stirlingmair.com
Stronachs motions@stronachs.com 
Swarbick Law duncan@swarbricklaw.co.uk
Sweeney Law mail@sweeney-law.co.uk
Name of firm/party Email
T C Young e.motions@tcyoung.co.uk
The MFY Partnership Solicitors scott@mfypartnership.co.uk
Thomas Duncan Solicitor tom@scotlandlegal.co.uk 
Thompsons Solicitors motions@thompsons-scotland.co.uk
Thorley Stephenson admin@thorleystephenson.com
Thorntons Law LLP sacmotions@thorntons-law.co.uk
TF Reid and Donaldson mail@reidlaw.co.uk
TLT Solicitors All-Edinburgh@TLTsolicitors.com
Turcan Connell sacmotions@turcanconnell.com
Walker Laird CivilCourt@walkerlaird.co.uk
Wallace Hodge Solicitors norman.fraser@wallace-hodge.co.uk
Watermans Solicitors court@watermans.ws 
Watersrule Solicitors info@watersrule.co.uk
Watson & Lyall Bowie legalservices@wandlb.co.uk
Watt Law Solicitors tracy@wattlaw.co.uk
West Lothian Council motions@westlothian.gov.uk
Wheatley Housing Group Ltd courtmail@wheatley-group.com  
Whyte Fraser & Co Solicitors mwh@whytefraser.co.uk
Wilkinson Law Practise office@wilkinsonlaw.co.uk
Wright Johnstone and MacKenzie motions@wjm.co.uk 
Young and Partners motions@businesslaw.co.uk 

No email facilities

The following agents/parties have made a declaration that they do not have suitable facilities for transacting Sheriff Appeal Court business by email.

  • Anderson Shaw & Gilbert
  • Richard Anderson

Email only

The following party litigants have made a declaration that they wish to transact Sheriff Appeal Court business by email.

Name of party


Angus Kerr


Danuta Szczerbinska


Heryna Regina


James Casey


Kenneth Prentice


Laurence McDermid


Solomon Gana Yusuf


Stuart McMartin


Donald Pollock


Yvonne Prentice


Name of party

Angus Kerr

Name of party

Danuta Szczerbinska

Name of party

Heryna Regina

Name of party

James Casey

Name of party

Kenneth Prentice

Name of party

Laurence McDermid

Name of party

Solomon Gana Yusuf

Name of party

Stuart McMartin

Name of party

Donald Pollock

Name of party

Yvonne Prentice