Judgment Search

19 search results for selkirk

  1. from Dumfries Sheriff Court dated 10 August 2012, Ross, a decision of Sheriff Drummond from Selkirk
  2. since that applied to stable family units only. Founding on Selkirk v Chisholm 2011 Fam LR 56, she
  3. in Selkirk. The first opportunity to consider matters was the evening of 11 March 2014 where upon
  4. SHERIFFDOM OF LOTHIAN AND BORDERS AT SELKIRK Ref: A152/01 JUDGEMENT in causa MICHAEL McCOLM PURSUER against BORDERS GENERAL HOSPITAL NHS TRUST DEFENDER Selkirk, 19 October 2007 The Sheriff, having resumed consideration of the cause, FINDS IN FACT:- 1. The Parties are as designed, no longer participated in sport having previously been an enthusiastic rugby player with Selkirk, the receipt of letters from Dr Wilson of Selkirk Health Centre and from Mr Christopher Tiemessen who
  5. would meet social worker, Val Selkirk, fortnightly to assess her parenting style as there were still
  6. v. Milne,(1823) 2 S. 379; 3. Magistrates of Selkirk v. Clapperton, (1830) 9 S. 9; 4. Thomson v, Sutherland, (unreported) Selkirk Sheriff Court 10 August 2000; 50. Urquhart v. Sweeney, 2004 S.C.L.R., to the cases of Binning v. Brotherstone 1676 M.13401, Magistrates of Selkirk v. Clapperton (1830) 9
  7. 2005 grounds of referral to the children's hearing were deemed to be established at Selkirk Sheriff
  8. with the competency of continuations of the application. In Secretary of State v Runciman (dated at Selkirk 12
  9. identity, culture or traditions, such as the Selkirk Common Riding, the Hawick Common Riding

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