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Vacancy for Independent Non-Executive Member - People Committee

Does having the opportunity to support the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) Board and the Executive in their strategic decision making relating to staff resourcing, deployment, wellbeing and skills during a period of major reform of the Scottish justice system appeal to you? SCTS requires a non-executive member to join its People Committee

(SCTS) Board and the Executive in their strategic decision making relating to staff resourcing, deployment, wellbeing and skills during a period of major reform of the Scottish justice system appeal to you?

SCTS requires a non-executive member to join its People Committee.  If you have the knowledge, skills and experience at a senior level with expertise in strategic human resource management, organisational development and/or learning and development, and have the enthusiasm to make a significant contribution to the delivery of justice in Scotland, we would welcome an application from you.

SCTS provides excellent and professional support to the judiciary and to courts, tribunals and the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) to enable the efficient and effective operation of the justice system.  SCTS is currently pursuing a range of reforms intended to improve the operation of Scotland’s justice system and the service provided to all those who use it – further information on our work can be found in our Corporate Plan 2023-26, in our annual Business Plan and on our website.

The SCTS People Committee supports the SCTS Board and Executive in their strategic decision making relating to staff resourcing, deployment, wellbeing and skills.  By doing so the Committee helps ensure that SCTS fulfils its core functions as set out in the Judiciary and Courts (Scotland) Act 2008 and meets its statutory and other obligations as an employer.  Further information on the SCTS Board and the People Committee is available here.

Applicants should have experience of working at a senior level in a public sector, educational, commercial or voluntary organisation with expertise in strategic human resource management, organisational development and/or learning and development.  They should be able to demonstrate the ability to contribute effectively to the work of the People Committee.

Candidates must be able to demonstrate how they have used their skills in supporting at least one organisation in maximising its effectiveness, and demonstrate how they have worked with leaders to maximise the potential and efficacy of the people they lead.  Formal CIPD or similar qualifications are welcomed but not essential.

Appointment is for a fixed-term period of four years, renewable once by mutual consent.

You will be expected to attend four meetings of the Committee per year, which are generally held in Edinburgh.  Additional meetings may be required from time to time.  Membership attracts remuneration of £340 per day.

Interviews will be held on 23 September 2024 in Parliament House, Parliament Square, Edinburgh.  The closing date for applications is midnight on 18 August 2024

If you have any questions regarding the role please email Steven D’Arcy (sdarcy@scotcourts.gov.uk) or Karen Lawrie (klawrie@scotcourts.gov.uk)

Application Form

Role description and background informtion


People Committee recruitment

People Committee recruitment

Recruitment General
18 July 2024 Communications