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Prohibition of dropped footway parking, double parking and pavement parking

From 11 December 2023, all local authority areas in Scotland will be able to start enforcing these prohibitions by issuing penalty charge notices (PCNs) to owners of vehicles contravening these rules.

The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced three new prohibitions on the parking of vehicles in relation to parking on dropped footways; parking on pavements and double parking. From 11 December 2023, all local authority areas in Scotland will be able to start enforcing these prohibitions by issuing penalty charge notices (PCNs) to owners of vehicles contravening these rules.

There will be some exceptions such as parking by emergency vehicles or delivery drivers. Local authorities will also have the power to exempt certain streets or areas as they deem locally appropriate.

Any appeals in relation to these new prohibitions will be heard by the Transport Appeals jurisdiction of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland General Regulatory Chamber. Appeals may be made to the First-tier Tribunal after the recipient of a PCN makes representation to the local authority against the decision to serve that notice and the local authority issues a notice of rejection.

This Tribunal currently considers appeals against bus lane enforcement notifications and PCNs issued by local authorities relating to the new Low Emission Zones and other parking contraventions.

Corporate news General Announcements
08 December 2023 Communications