The Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland (JABS) invites applications from suitably qualified individuals who wish to be considered for appointment to the office of summary sheriff.
This is an important opportunity to contribute to justice in Scotland. There are currently 11 full time vacancies, with one of those posts requiring a 0.4 and 0.6 FTE split. It is expected that successful applicants will take up post in April 2024, with online training commencing in advance of that date.

The Office of Summary Sheriff Brief (Role Profile), provided by the Judicial Office for Scotland, provides applicants with information about the role. The salary for a full-time summary sheriff is £118,237.
The essential requirement for the role of a summary sheriff is to possess the ability and legal standing to perform the functions of the office.
This requires knowledge and experience of summary criminal procedure and certain areas of civil law, especially simple procedure and family law.
It is essential that those applying for appointment as a summary sheriff who do not have knowledge or experience in each of these disciplines demonstrate the ability to acquire knowledge in unfamiliar areas of the law
It should be noted that candidates with considerable civil and/or family experience are sought for the Glasgow and Strathkelvin posts.
We encourage applications from a wide and diverse range of suitably qualified people. The principles of fair and open competition will apply and recommendation for appointment will be made solely on merit.
Further information can be found within the Guidance Note. Please ensure that you read this Guidance Note in full before you start your application.
To apply for this role please click here.
Applications must be submitted by noon on 1 September 2023.