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Face coverings still recommended as case numbers rise

There has been a rise in Covid-19 infections in recent weeks with the latest data estimating that around one in 30 people in Scotland had Covid-19 in the week ending 10 June, up from one in 40 the previous week.

Although this has not necessitated a change in the measures we have in place, the safety of all those who use our buildings remains paramount. We would like to remind all that the wearing of face coverings in our buildings continues to be strongly recommended, in line with Scottish Government guidance.

Public health information informs us that the virus is still with us. People can of course make individual choices regarding face coverings and we encourage everyone to respect the choices that others make and keep working together to maintain safety, as we have done throughout the pandemic.

The following safety measures are in place for everyone using our buildings:

  • whilst no longer mandatory, we continue to strongly recommend the use of face covering in our buildings in the interests of your own safety and of others;
  • we encourage everyone to take a common sense approach to maintaining and respecting other people’s personal space when in our buildings;
  • good hand hygiene remains crucial, in addition to good general hygiene and ventilation.  We are maintaining our enhanced cleaning arrangements across the estate and will also maintain ventilation levels in line with guidance

We rely on, and continue to appreciate everyone’s ongoing cooperation to enable us to support justice safely. Please continue to follow the current Scottish Government Guidance to help protect yourself and others.

Scottish Government Guidance

All Covid-19 rules and restrictions have been lifted in Scotland, but the virus has not gone away. Use 'Covid sense' to help protect yourself and others:

  • get your vaccine when offered to ensure you are fully protected;
  • stay at home if you’re unwell with symptoms or have a fever;
  • open windows when socialising indoors;
  • wear a face covering in indoor public places and on public transport; and
  • wash your hands to protect yourself
20 June 2022 Communications