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Guidance on proceedings in the Sheriff Court

The Sheriffs Principal have issued new guidance for court users on proceedings in the Sheriff Courts. The guidance will supersede and replace the guidance which was issued by the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service on 25 April 2022.

The new guidance, which will take effect from 27 July 2022, states that, where possible, accused persons who have been remanded in custody will appear by remote means at any diet, except for the trial diet.

For civil business, parties will be expected to address the court on the mode of hearing when inviting the court to fix a diet at which it is proposed evidence will be led. Unless otherwise directed by the court, proofs and other substantive hearings will be conducted in person. Procedural business and debates will be conducted by electronic means unless directed by the court.

This does not apply to child welfare hearings or summary cause actions which recovery of possession of heritable property is sought. Guidance on these matters were issued earlier this month.

Current arrangements for business in the All Scotland Sheriff Personal Injury Court and the Sheriff Appeal Court will continue to apply.

20 July 2022 Communications