About Scottish Tribunals

The Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 created a new, simplified statutory framework for tribunals in Scotland, bringing existing jurisdictions together and providing a structure for new ones. The Act created two new tribunals, the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland and the Upper Tribunal for Scotland.

The Lord President is the head of the Scottish Tribunals and has delegated various functions to the President of Scottish Tribunals, Lady Wise.

The Upper Tribunal for Scotland

The Upper Tribunal hears appeals on decisions of the chambers of the First-tier Tribunal, and is located in the Glasgow Tribunals Centre.

The Upper Tribunal for Scotland

The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland

The First-tier Tribunal is organised into a series of chambers which may have specialist jurisdictions.

General Regulatory Chamber (Charity appeals and Transport appeals)
Health and Education Chamber (Additional Support Needs)
Housing and Property Chamber
Social Security Chamber 
Tax Chamber
Local Taxation Chamber

The Health and Education Chamber, Housing and Property Chamber and Social Security Chamber are located in the Glasgow Tribunals Centre.

The Tax Chamber and the General Regulatory Chamber are located in George House, Edinburgh. 

The Local Taxation Chamber is located in Bothwell House, Hamilton.

The following Tribunals are administered by the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service:

The Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland 
The Pensions Appeals Tribunal 
The Lands Tribunal for Scotland

Tribunals Conference 7 September 2021

A report has now been published summarising the key issues addressed at the most recent conference held to consider future developments as the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland enters a period of substantial expansion.

The report summarises the lessons learned, Q&A session, speeches and presentations, and issues considered at the conference. Key points include the ways in which the Scottish tribunals, both devolved and reserved, have adapted to the challenges raised by the pandemic and how these achievements might inform change, including the future use of both virtual technology and in-person hearings.

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